(United Kingdom)
Der Survivors Trust
Der Survivors Trust (TST) ist eine britische nationale Dachorganisation für 135 Fachorganisationen zur Unterstützung der Auswirkungen von Vergewaltigung, sexueller Gewalt und sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern in ganz Großbritannien und Irland.
Unterstützung, Beratung und Infos: 0808 801 0818
Der Survivors Trust
Der Survivors Trust (TST) ist eine britische nationale Dachorganisation für 135 Fachorganisationen zur Unterstützung der Auswirkungen von Vergewaltigung, sexueller Gewalt und sexuellem Missbrauch von Kindern in ganz Großbritannien und Irland.
Unterstützung, Beratung und Infos: 0808 801 0818
Vergewaltigungskrise Großbritannien
Rape Crisis England & Wales ist eine nationale Wohltätigkeitsorganisation und Dachorganisation für ein Netzwerk unabhängiger Rape Crisis Centres.
Kostenlos anrufen unter 0808 802 9999
National Stalking Helpline
The National Stalking Helpline is a free service offering advice for victims of stalking living in the UK. Run by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust.​
They offer practical information, support, and advice on risk, safety planning and legislation to victims of stalking, their friends, family, and professionals working with victims.
They also provide an online tool if you are worried that someone might be stalking you (click here).
Call 0808 802 0300
Free of charge
Will not be shown on BT landine bills
Open Monday to Friday
Or fill out their online form (click here)
Paladin Service
The Paladin Service is a service assisting high-risk victims of stalking in England and Wales.​
They define stalking as "A pattern of unwanted, fixated and obsessive behaviour which is intrusive and causes fear of violence or serious alarm or distress"
They offer a Young People's Service (for people aged 16-25 years old), including a listening service, safety planning, assistance with access to support services, assistance with discussions with your workplace or university, support with contacting the police and advocacy.
Call 0203 866 4107
Referrals require a DASH risk assessment by a professional (e.g. police officer, or Independent Stalking Advocacy Caseworkers (ISAC)).
They also have a general advice page (click here).
Rights of Women
Rights of Women is a charity working to improve women's access to justice by providing women with the legal advice and information they need to understand and use the law and their legal rights.​
They offer:
information on what to do if you have been sexually harassed, assaulted or raped on campus (click here)
a free legal advice telephone helpline for women experiencing sexual harassment at work, call 020 7490 0152 (click here for more info)
"Report to Court: A handbook for adult survivors of sexual violence" (click here)
Self-Help Guides
by Survivors' Network
The Survivors' Network is the is Rape Crisis Centre for Sussex, based in Brighton. They have published excellent self-help guides available to all, free-of-charge, including:
Survivors Self Help Guide for survivors of rape or sexual abuse, who want to understand and process their own personal reactions to their experience.
Available to download in multiple languages and in an easy-read version.
Survivors Self Help Guide for Men and Boys for men and boys who have survived sexual violence or abuse.
Self Help Guide for Supporters for professionals, parents, friends or partners supporting survivors.
Galop ist eine nationale Hotline für LGBTQ+-Opfer von sexueller Gewalt und sexuellem Missbrauch und eine führende LGBTQ+-Wohltätigkeitsorganisation gegen Gewalt und Missbrauch.
Safeline ist eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation, die Menschen auf ihrem Heilungsweg nach Erfahrungen mit sexuellem Missbrauch oder Vergewaltigung hilft.
Rufen Sie unsere allgemeine Helpline an
Rufen Sie unsere National Male Survivor Helpline an
Rufen Sie unser Jugendtelefon an
Senden Sie eine SMS an unsere Helpline und Online-Berater
Hinweis: Dies ist kein Krisendienst. Wenn Sie in einer Krise sind, wenden Sie sich bitte an die Samariter.
Say It Loud Chat Line
Support chat line via. Instagram.
Open Monday to Friday (5 pm to 8 pm).
All volunteers are trained in how to receive sexual violence disclosures. Some volunteers also have extra training, such as degrees in psychology and/or mental health.
Run by "Say It Loud", a campaign founded by a mental health nurse trainee to support survivors of sexual violence.
Überlebende Großbritannien
Beyond Equality
Beyond Equality started off with projects in schools (Great Men) and universities (Good Lad Initiative, started at Oxford University).
The charity engages all men in preventing gender-based violence and creating communities that are safe for everyone. They believe in the need to give all men and boys the chance to develop identities and behaviours that are healthier for themselves and others.
Citizens Advice Bureaux
A registered UK charity offering confidential advice on your options and rights. They are available online, over the phone, and in person, for free. They are independent, impartial and help millions of people every year.
They give independent, impartial support, including:
help with housing
help with welfare benefts
support for witnesses in courts through the Witness Service
Call (open Monday to Friday)
0800 144 8848 (England)
0800 702 2020 (Wales)
18001 then 0800 144 8884 (Relay, textphone)
Menschheit Großbritannien
Angstfrei leben
Live Fear Free ist eine Website der walisischen Regierung, die Informationen und Ratschläge für diejenigen bietet, die unter Gewalt gegen Frauen, häuslicher Gewalt und sexueller Gewalt leiden.
Rufen Sie ihre kostenlose und vertrauliche Hotline an
A UK charity supporting people with learning disabilities, autism or both who have experienced trauma, including domestic abuse and sexual violence.
This includes:
specialist psychotherapy services (click here)
an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) (click here) (see FAQs)
one-to-one support and advocacy for young women who have experienced any form of gender-based violence (click here)
one-to-one support and advocacy for clients who may be at risk of a forced marriage, harmful relationship, or require support to understand what a harmful relationship is (click here)
They also provide:
a service to assess, rehabilitate and reintegrate clients who sexually offend or display harmful sexual behaviour (click here)
Call 020 7383 0700